game hall of fame and museum

Fellowship Special Event 2023

Much of this material is organized for easy copy and paste into the game. Currently trying to build up a good, well organized collection of the answers to the most common questions and the best advice.

There are many exellent websites and YouTube video channels. Attempting here to put the informatiomn into a form where it is easy to copy and paste into threads in the game to share with your guild.

You have permission to copy and paste any of these answers or advice to your guild or elsewhere in the game. You can change the wording. Giving credit is appreciated, but optional.

Fellowship Special Event 2023

The event runs from 20 July 2023 to 9 August 2023.

From Zaltan The Bold of world Z:

I would add gemstones are your most limited resource. It takes ÒxÓ amount to build a city, donÕt be in a hurry to go to the next campaign.

From Outrageous Coder:

You want to complete most of a city before moving on to the next city.
Also look up how many managers are required for each city and only spend the gemstones for the minimum required.

From Hydrabad of world D2:

Reminder: Mooingcat's guide is the definitive guide for events. Follow his Cheat Sheet spreadsheet.

From Outrageous Coder:

Read each quest carefully.
If it states an age or two, you must do the action using the designated age (usually current age or cirrent and previous age).
Timed supply productions can usually be done by any age. Small Iron Age blacksmiths are common for this purpose.
If the decorations have no age listed, use the trees, the cheapest decoration.
Check the quest event list (available at multiple websites) and look at timed quests coming up and pre-start productions accordingly.

From Outrageous Coder:

Make sure to collect the Daily Free Gemstones!

Make sure to collect city incidents every day, because some will provide special event currency (gemstones).

Make sure to get you special event city running. There will be pointing hands the first time you open the special event up, along with written instructions in the lower right corner. Follow the instructions and click where the hand is pointing and you will get some idea of the basics.

Keep track of which city you are currently on and only pay for the manager levels that are required for that particular city. If that sounds confusing, check out MooingCat's YouTube video.

There are NO daily specials.


From Pauon Wii:

The Fellowship Event begins shortly.

1. Check today to confirm that you have a valid email account registered with InnoGames. ItÕs in the Settings menu. If you have one registered before the event begins, you will likely receive an email on Day 1 or 2 of the event with a link to some free gemstones. These are the ÒcurrencyÓ that you will need in the minigame. If you play multiple worlds on the same account, you will only receive this offer in one of them, so be sure to log in where you want it.

2. You will probably also receive and offer to buy diamonds and receive ÒfreeÓ Gemstones. This is not usually the best deal. Despite what it says, the diamonds are not increased - itÕs the regular price. I always receive at least one offer during each event to buy Diamonds with ÒbonusÓ diamonds ranging from +20% to +200%. This is a real bonus, unlike the other offer. It is more cost effective to buy diamonds this way and then use them to buy event currency. Also, event currency can only be used in the world where you received it. Diamonds can be used in any world on your account on the same server.

From Pixie Dust:

The fellowship event starts tomorrow. I would highly recommend to read and follow Mooing Cats strategies.


While the rest of this website is just for fun, this page looks at how to play Forge of Empires.

CathyMCM used to call herself the Queen of Copy and Paste. She kept saved text handy so she had prepared answers for the most common player questions.

Much of this material is organized for easy copy and paste into the game. Currently trying to build up a good, well organized collection of the answers to the most common questions and the best advice.


CathyMCM was a player in the game Forge of Empires. For several years she ran a message thread entitled @@ Chatter with Cathy & Friends @@ on multiple game worlds.

CathyMCM had a big heart and was always helping new players.

preserving her memory

This is a last minute effort to try to preserve CathyMCM's cities. The more players who participate, the more likely we will succeed.

Please contact Inno Games and ask them to preserve CathyMCM's cities until a member of her family can take over her account. Her sister had the passsword to go into the game and inform us of Cathy's unfortunate death and we hope that eventually one of her children might take over the account in her mother's memory.

You can contact Inno Support and they will probably recite the one year rule. Ask them to please pass the request on to higher authority in the game.

Even better, contact the higher authority directly. That would be Michael Zillmer, COO and Co-founder, or Hendrik Klindworth, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, or Eike Klindworth Co-founder, Creative Director and Board Member.

Send an actual physical letter (and explain how CathyMCM effected you and why it is important to preserve her memory) to: Friesenstraße 13, 20097 Hamburg, Germany, or call +49 40 7889335-0.

If you have the ability to send a fax, send it to +49 40 7889335-200 and address it to one of the three top execuives.

You can also use the contact form at: or email, but you don't know who might see those items.

If you are a money player, please mention that, especially if you are a big money player. Money players have more influence on Inno for obvious reasons.